The basic measurement consists of one MW emitter and at least one receiver.

Because the transmission set-up is prefered the emitter ist mounted above the material with the receiver underneath.

RGI moisture analysers can be mounted in a variety of applications such as pipes ( no metal), bins, hoppers and on conveyor belts.

On a conveyor applications the load and the bulk density changes in most cases with plant conditions. Since the measured absorption depends on the total water content, the readings will vary with an increase of load on the belt. The micro wave moisture analyser is unable to distinguish on it's own between an increase in moisture concentration and an increase in the readings as a result of load change on the belt. To correct the reading, a compensating signal is fed to the analyser. This signal can usually be obtained in the form of an industry standard 4-20 mA signal from a nearby mechanical or radiometric belt weigher. Contactless radiometric belt weighers form a intergral Part of RGI's sophisticated range of analysers, and therefore we are able to provide a turnkey system, tailor made to the end user's application.

With the belt weigher's signal incorporated in the moisture system, it is possible to display and logthe mass results together with the moisture readings.

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MW Moisture Technic

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